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Laura Wotli
Laura's Little Loves
West Plains, Missouri
  1 Review


5.2 months on Reborns
1 order sold
1 follower    Following 131

My Listings (3)

I started collecting reborns this year and have fallen in love with them. I am not an artist. I am a mother to an angel baby and even though it has been many years since then, these little reborns have become such a comfort and joy to me. They really help fill a void that I have from not being able to have my own children. I will be selling some of my dolls here and there to make room for more additions to my collection. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. :)

Shyann   Pre‑Owned
Artist: Laura Monroe
20" (50.8 cm)   No COA

$399 USD + shipping

Add to Favorites  2

Marley   Pre‑Owned
Artist: Vanessa George
20" (50.8 cm)   COA

Sold for $599 USD

Add to Favorites  4

Ruby Awake   Pre‑Owned
Artist: Gina Diederich
19" (48.26 cm)   COA

$479 USD + shipping

Add to Favorites  18

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